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Hidden truth about the Cult they call Bahai Faith is exposed. Mirza Usayn Ali who claimed prophecy as Sháh Bahrám and later as Bahá'u'lláh.
میرزا حسینعلی نوری بهاءالله
Why it is so important for us to know this history? History has order and meaning. It is the sum of the events that have led to the present time. The past is linked to the present and to the future. If you do not study the past, you will not be able to understand properly the present and the future. You will gain these beneficial insights from studying the history. We always had and will going to have scam artists and men who used the name of god in order to gain power, control and wealth. As a Persian historian I have found the biggest Hoax in our modern times Bahai's and their Glory of God Prophet. The fact and the truth that even media will not publish. Education is very important as withought it we will never progress. |
Bahai Fraud Scam Artist Exposed. This Arab, scary peasant looking guy is the founder of the Baha'i Faith. The Bahá'í institutions have requested the press not to publish his image or life biography in the media, and requested it be removed from Consider this a pilgrimage, the image claimed to be Manifestation Of God. With followers’ contributions, most of whom are illiterate, they have hired the best architects and their goal is world domination, under watchful eyes of the Israeli government and The Ministry of Tourism. People across the world pay thousands of dollars to see this image at the Pilgrimage as the Manifestation of God, and Jews are fine with it as long as it can bring the Israeli government money from these pilgrims. The media cooperated with the Bahai leaders and have kept his original images away from publications and kept his image away from every TV station across the world and even out of book stores, all so people will visit Israel like the Disneyland of Haifa. The Disneyland of Haifa - Billion dollar scam, hidden truth of Bahai faith " Cult". The Bahai movement, which plowed $250 million into re-landscaping the gardens of its Haifa world headquarters In average of $50 a member for re landscaping. They collect money from poor, If they know about you, they (Especially Iranian Baha'is) will start motivating you to give the Huququllah, which is then transferred to UHJ in Haifa and it is then used to maintain the Gardens of Haifa. The elected governing body of the world's Bahai community, the Universal House of Justice, has its seat in Haifa on Mount Carmel, adjacent to the Shrine of the Bab and the new gardens. Haifa and Acre together comprise the international spiritual and administrative center for the five million followers of the Bahai faith, of whom 800 live in Israel, volunteering for a time at the Haifa headquarters before returning home. Now you will learn who really controls the world media? And you will learn why this midget’s Faith "cult" is not charged for fraud and scams? Bahá'u'lláh, whose real name is Mirza Usayn Ali, “sold tickets” to the temple in Haifa. This is a perfect example of a hoax religion. Bahai is a " Faith" Cult in our modern times. They are people who use the name of God to gain power, wealth and control. As for us who know, we must spread his real image across the world, show the world the savage they call the image of god, and emphasize his true biography,and not what is published on their official site. The Baha'i leadership successfully hid this photo from its members for around 150 years. Then along came the Internet and now Baha'is who follow the teachings of this savage Arab they call Baha'u'llah and who they regard as the supreme Manifestation of God in this day have asked me to remove the photo of Baha'u'llah from my site. In response to that any man who claim to be Sháh Bahrám as an immortal angel of Persia is my business. The world will know the truth once they get sued by Zoroastrians across the world, and that is the reason they have no power over this true story. You can never hide the truth from Immortals. Once the Baha'i members know of truth they will be the one who will spit on this image and will stop sending money to Haifa. 12th November 1952, Contract was signed with the Development Authority of the State of Israel whereby the Bahá’í Community secured some 40 Acres of land surrounding the sacred Shrine of Bahá’u’lláh. Baha'i are well accepted in Israel as long as Baha'i practice of declaring loyalty to whatever government is in power and in never participating in partisan politics. As matter fact Bahai followers can never question the authorities. As result the picture and life story of Mirza Usayn Ali was kept away from the public so people will visit Isreal for pilgrimage. Bahaullah (he gave himself the name), means "The Glory of God." Bahai leadership has regularly Photoshop the eyes of 'Adbu'l-Baha to make them beautiful and mystical, and they show that photo to the public, rather than the actual Chimpanzee who was Bahá'u'lláh. He had 14 childern from three different wifes who is last child was son `Abdu'l-Bahá who had blue eyes and they took him as the poster child of his Prophecy as Aryan messanger. After designating his son to serve as his successor, and as the "The Master" of the Baha'i faith, the Baha'u'allah died on May 29, 1892. And they try to claim Aryan Elite Persian heritage. They do not want anyone in Iran or Bahai members elsewhere to see their beloved “Glory of God” as he truly looked. Baha'i recognize Muhammad as one of God's great prophets. This is the guy that many illiterate followers are willing to die for. Many have not even seen his picture. Many believed that the prophet was of an Aryan race, tall and handsome, just like Jesus. In the Bahai official website they published him as imperial past from patrician families of Persia. lies after lies, he is an Arab peasant not a elite who is third marriage to Gawhar Khánum who was of Persian race.
Freedom and peace will only come from the Declaration of Human Rights not from his teachings. Now the world will see why Muslims kill Bahai's, giving them the taste of their very own medicine of hate. These are two illiterate cults who claim to follow God’s messengers and kill in his honor. These “honor killings” are evident and practiced in almost all religious cults, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Bahai's, they all do more harm than good in the name of God. God must weep at the carnage done in his name. LIES Bahai's have told to their followers for over 150 years. For years the Baha’i leadership have been telling visiting pilgrims that they envisioned a day when the Baha’i establishment would become the government of Israel and that the Israeli population would convert in masse to Baha’i Faith, and they will rule the world. For that information, the people in Israel have access to factual true information about the Faith, its history and general principles. Books concerning the Faith are available in libraries throughout Israel, and Israelis are welcome to visit the Shrines and the surrounding gardens. However, in keeping with a policy that has been strictly followed since the days of Bahá'u'lláh, Bahá'ís do not teach the Faith in Israel. Likewise, the Faith is not taught to Israelis abroad if they intend to return to Israel. When Israelis ask about the Faith, their questions are answered, but this is done in a manner which provides factual information without stimulating further interest. In the other hand Israeli government is protecting its own people from joining this cult or donating any money toward the structures. It is nothing more than a Disneyland in Haifa for Jews. Bahai women are not allowed to participate in the law making process in their faith’s supreme governing institution…Now, that’s called gender equality!) the only true equality is through the DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS and not religions. Mazdayansna Faith brought equality of all genders three out of the Six Holy Immortals should represent the masculine aspects of God and the other three the feminine aspect. This is but one of the many hints we get in Zoroaster's faith of the absolute equality of the sexes.. "Good thoughts, good words, good deeds." are the only law for Zoroastrians Sereen Yes there are evidence of DNA manipulation in our distant past and they are not done by mortals. |
Graduating again in USA with high score average I have learned about US history and the pain and distruction that Christians have brought to America. Just like Arabs and Muslims their cults have promoted more wars and genocide against humanity than good. As US residernt I will fight for the declaration of human right. I will not let the Jews and Muslims enter your country as I know they will turn your country in to hell with their savage god of Allah. We need peace and education not Arab prophecies which involve animal sacrifice, and male and female genital mutilation circumcision. We want love and not bloodshed or need wars. |
I value education the most. After I fled Iran I had to learn a new language in a different culture and study everything from beginning this time in English. I knew it was the only way for me to get ahead in life. I had my major in a Persian History so it was very clear to me as a new resident I had to be fluent in the US History. I am fluent in Farsi and English being a history major in Farsi my goal is to publish a book that will change Iran. I want to promote same sex right, legalize prostitution in the United State, and Iran. I love my country and it is not easy for me being in exile. As child I use to think I was cursed being born in Iran. Now I know I was blessed becouse I have learned all there is to learn about the human history, and I know that I can make a difference in the world. There is no Question in my mind that there was a reason that I was saved. When you are historical illiterate you will become a Jew or Christian or a Muslim or Bahai some times even atheist. The greatest Scientist of our time have said. "Try and penetrate with our limited means the secrets of nature and you will find that, behind all the discernible laws and connections, there remains something subtle, intangible and inexplicable. Veneration for this force beyond anything that we can comprehend is my religion. To that extent I am, in fact, religious." -Albert Einstein Having my major in the Persian history it had led me to Mazdayansna Faith of Zoroastrian Which is the only faith in the ancient time which did not bring distruction and wars to earth as a matter of fact our progress and gender equality was based on that which lead us to declaration of human right, The golden age of Persian was the era of the Sassanid Persian Empire. They say in that era angels did reside amoung the living, Without this relationship, the Sassanid Empire would not have survived in its beginning stages. Disagreements between the priests and the warriors led to fragmentation within the empire, which led to its downfall. I know my people are lost and thier love for the god have led them to Jews and Muslims and their evil god of Allah. If they are educated about the true history they will break free from Islam not by force or guns and Depleted Uranium but by Education. Our blood is of Pharoahs " Vegans" we are free spirit of kourosh Kabir. We only follow declaration of human right. That is the reason they call us Proud Persian Race. Believe in angels as you were once did and Iran will be free.
Mazdayansna Aryan Faith is based on conscious mind the one eye symbol is the sign of Illumination of mind and DNA activation in to the divine world of love.
If you are Persian know that you are a walking god. Do not follow men and do not die for Bahai's or kill for Muslims your god is not Allah nor Jesus.
Bahai's wants martyrs in Iran so that they can shout blood, blood and collect Money.
Your life is to precious Do not die for mortals.
You can not follow this savages, If you are Persian know that your blood is not of a Jew. You are the blood of Kourosh Kabir. Persians VS Iranians
Jewish people belief that the Jews are the chosen people, chosen to be in a covenant with God
Persian Gulf Forever. My blood is 100% Jew free and I am proud to be Persian.
When I Fled Iran I had dream of what Persia use to be in the Golden Age Sassanid Persian Empire is glimpse of that freedom.
"Don't forget your history nor your destiny" Freedom is not just a dream. It can be real as it was once in the land we used to call Persia.
A life without freedom is not a life worth living
I do not hide my actions nor live in fear from savages, my every move is in if the gods can see me so can you my conscious is clear
I only follow one law the law of the Persian Empire, I only have one Faith Mazdayansna Aryan Faith.
My name is SEREEN.
I believe in angels and Freedom is all I dream for Iran.
Explorations in the Outer Realms of Human Thought
Albert Einstein's views on God developed as he sought to understand the fundamental nature of the universe and existence. As Einstein delved into the science of the universe in which we live, he also sought an understanding - through his own insight rather than religious doctrine - into the nature and cause of existence. Einstein's conclusions on the nature and cause of existence mirror Zoroastrian precepts. Believe in immortal Angels.
All beings originate from Spiritual realm. All of them also need to descend to the material part for their further development