Welcome to the official web site of exiled Immortal Zoroastrian prince Sereen Pars of Persia. Sereen.com is not under Iran or US jurisdiction. Immortal Zoroastrian prince Sereen Pars to this day remain to be a proud citizen of Iran and a proud resident of the United State. The immortals were named by Herodotus of Greece when he entered Persia. Seeing is believing. Sereen.com world wide 2000 - 2017. Internet Censorship Instagram Censorship sorry a 1st Amendment error has accured. Iran_socialite and Shahzadeh_Sereen_pars
It is sadden me to see so many hate and discrimination in this world we just need to learn to love and respect each other. We can not allow hate to go-on anylonger. You lose track of who is who, your compass is gone all screwy, you started out knowing for sure, and you end up adrift, and the more you think on it the more the clarity of the argument sort of melts like people in 900-degree Fahrenheit heat, and all you can see anymore is pain, pain and more pain, like it's not about ideas anymore, it's just about raw naked suffering what has really happning in the world and Iran. US Government with Depleted Uranium will kill us all, If you have Cancer you know now who to blame. New technology is deadly if not used with care and morality Human genetic code have been compromised Persians all around the world must unite and file lawsuit against western co-operations who try to control Iran and hide the truth in order to make wars before they make us like Iraqi and Syrians. We need to expose the lies in the US Media and Islamic Republic of Iran and save our monarchy before it is too late. Persianstud.com Grand opening on 2016 Make love not wars. |
شما همه اين قدرت را داريد كه مانند من ازاد باشيد و از مردم مذهبى كه شمارا از ترس جهنم و وعده بهشت كنترل ميكنن و بجرم مشروب و سكس احساس گناه در وجود شما ميكارند، ولي به بهشتيان وعدهء سكس و مشروب ميدهند گوش ندهيد و روبروى انها ايستادگى كنيد و ثابت كنيد كه هيچ كس بالاي كسي نيست و همه با هم مساوي هستند و همه حق زندگى ازاد و لذت طبيعي و خدا دادي را حق خود ميدانيد و هيج فرد ديگرى قادر به گرفتن انرا ندارد. شما فردا اگر همه دسته جمعي بدون حجاب به تظاهرات برويد انها چه خاكى بر سر ميريزند؟ ايا قادرند كه همهء شمارا بمسلسل بگيرند و زندانى كنند و رخود را رسواي كشورهاي پيشرفته كنند؟؟ شما از چه ترس و واهمه داريد؟؟ تصور كنيد كه گربه از موش ترس و واهمه داشته باشد، اين مسخره بنظر نمي ايد؟؟؟ انها مانند موش هستند ولي با خيمه شب بازيهايشان شما انهارا مانند گربه و يا شير ميبينيد. شما اك بقدوم و قوت اتحاد بي ببريد هيج قدرتي بالاتر از قدرت بشر نيست چه برسد اگر باهم متحد شوند. مگر اتحاد مردم نبود كه با وعدهاي دروغين خميني شاه را بيرون كرد و انقلاب را سر داد ؟؟؟ ولي حيف صد حيف كه مردم ديني و ساده لوح را بنام قيام اسلامي خام كرد و در عاقبت ايران و مردم ايران را به خاك و خون كشيد و همانطور كه گفت بهشت زهرا را أباد كرد، أباد كرد با خون مردم بي گناه و جوانان ما. كشت و كشتار ديگر بس است، بياييد دست بدست همديگر دهيد و از اين زندكي نكبت بار دراييد و از زندگى ازاد و بي غِل و غش لذت ببريد، بياييد به ايين ديرينهء ان دانشمند زرتشتى فكر كنيم ... فكر پاک،،، زبان پاكً،،، و قلبي پاک داشته باشيم و شعار ما آتش باشد كه تمام كثيفيها را از بين ميبرد و همه چيز را پاك و منزه ميكند. بياييد رنگها راناديده بگيريم و به يك چشم بهم نگاه كنيم و ديگرى را گناهكار نبنداريم، ما كه هستيم كه ديگرى را محاكمه كنيم همه مساوي و بي گناه، اين دنيا فقط و فقط براي تجربهء إنسان است و ترقي روح بشر تا به انجايي برسد كه بمقام فرشته كان برسد و انرا خوبي محض ميناميم، بدي وجود ندارد، همه چيز خوب است. مانند اينه هر انچه هستي در ان اينه خواهي ديد. قيام دسته جمعي كنيد و ازادي كه حق طبيعي شماست بدست بياوريد. وحدت كلمه شاهزاده سرين Perisa not Iran Persian not Iranian. As long as Prince Sereen Pars of Persia is immortal the name remain to be the same. Seeing is believing, I have risen up from the Ashes, no one can hide the truth and walk away from murder. I have lost everything but now my people will know that I have survived. I am Persia. I do not want to live in the exile. I do not want to be forced to speak English anymore, carry my flag and make Iran Persia again. The most powerful country in the world. Be Proud be Persian. Persian gulf forever. Order Prince Sereen's Flag وحدت كلمه شاهزاده سرين |
It isn't Islamophobia when muslims really are trying to kill you by the acts of Jihad in order to get into heaven. Islam is not the religion of peace - it is the doctrine of death. |
Islam is not peace nor is a religion Arabic to English translation. I shall cast terror into the heart of the infidels strike off their heads strike off the very tips of their fingers Quran 8:12 The Myth: The Qur'an places men and women on equal foundation before Allah. The Truth: There is no ambiguity in the Qur'an, the life of Muhammad, or Islamic law as to the inferiority of women to men, despite the efforts of modern-day apologists to salvage Western-style feminism from scraps and fragments of verses that have historically held no such progressive interpretation. After military conquests, Muhammad would dole out captured women as war prizes to his men. In at least one case, he advocated that they be raped in front of their husbands. Captured women were made into sex slaves by the very men who killed their husbands and brothers. There are four Qur'anic verses in which "Allah" makes clear that a Muslim master has full sexual access to his female slaves, yet there is not one that prohibits rape. Support Persianstud.com or this image is your future. A picture is worth a thousand words. ترجمه آیه ۱۲ سورهٔ انفال توسط بزرگترین مترجمین ق استاد الهی قمشهای ( و یاد آر ای رسول ) آن گاه که پروردگار تو به فرشتگان وحی کرد که من با شمایم ، پس مؤمنان را ثابت قدم بدارید ، که همانا من ترس در دل کافران می افکنم ، پس گردنها را بزنید و همه انگشتان را قطع کنید آیت الله مشکینى هنگامی که پروردگارت به فرشتگان وحی می کرد که من با شما هستم ، پس کسانی را که ایمان آورده اند ثابت قدم دارید ، به زودی در دل های آنان که کفر ورزیده اند ترس می افکنم ، پس ضربه ها را بر فراز گردن ها بزنید ( بر فرق آنها ) و همه سر انگشتانشان را قلم كنيد |
هشدار اشتباه قضاوت نكنيد! حقيقت تلخ پنهان جمهوری اسلامی ایران و زندگی شاهزاده سرین پارس "سرین بدیعی" تا با چشم عقل خود ندیده اید، و تا با گوش قلب خود نشنیده اید، نپذیرید من چرا جاودانه هستم؟ راز جوانى من: من هفت خط نيستم به من بگو ديوانه ولى من خودم هستم. هيچ وقت دروغ نگفتم و حتي يك مورچه را نكشتم
شاهزاده ي جاودانهٔ پارس سرین فرزند شهبانو شیرین پارس و سرهنگ جلال بدیعی متولد ۲۱ مهر ۱۳۵۲ در تهران است |
سالها پرسیدم از خود کیستم ... اتشم، شورم، شرارم چیستم دیدمش اکنون و دانستم کنون او بجز من، من بجز او نیستم اري اگر همهٔ ما، در ضمن خود من باين مطلب پي ميبردم هيچ توقع از ابآلقدرتها ميداشتمً٠ افسوس كه نادانسته از جناب شاهزاده رضا پهلوي پشتيباني كردم و من ساده دل و خوش قلب فكر ميكردم كه از من بعنوان يك وطن دوست حمايت ميكند. القابي مانند شاهزاده و غيره چه فايدهٔ ي دارد اگر قدرت پشتيباني را نداشته باشد. اين القاب كاذب فقط براي تظاهر و إظهار قدرت است و بس. ما همه از جل جلاله امده ايم و باو خواهيم برگشت. هيچ كس بالاتر از كسي نيست در نظر او مگر با أخلاق و رفتار او نسبت به همنوع خود. اري جناب شاهزاده رضا پهلوي به نيروي هوائي خيانت كرد و همچنين با وكيل من سرين همكاري و حمايت نكرد. الان كه همه چيز برايم أشكار شده به هموطنان عزيز و با وفايم اطلاع ميدهم كه " سايت سرين . كام " رسماً ازاد است و من از سايت شير و خورشيد اصلا ً استفاده نميكنم. در نظر من پرچم شيروخورشيد لياقت كسي را دا است كه قدرت پشتيباني از دوستاران ان پرچم را داشته باشد. و مانند شير بتواند از وطن دوستان حمايت كند نه اينكه خون بيگناه انها بدست ظالمان جمهوري اسلامي كه اصلا إسلامي هم نيستند بيرحمانه ريخته شود. و أطفال بيگناه بي پدر زندگي را بسختي بسر برند. اري ان جناب چه خبر دارد از در بدري و بيخانماني بودن . او هر جا كه هست خوش است. بقول مثال : " شكم سير از شكم گرسنه خبر ندارد. "اخر باين مطلب رسيده ام كه نه بدين نه به سياست اطمئنان داشته باشم همه آش براي تسلط به انسانهاي ساده دل و خوش قلب است و همه آش دروغ و تقلب است و بقول مثال پدر و مادر نميشناسد. در ختام از تمامي هموطنان عزيز و باوفا از صميم قلب سپاسگزارم، باميد ايندهٔ بهتر و درخشان . دوستدار همهٔ شما عزيزان شاهزاده ي جاودانهٔ پارس سرين بديعي |
Sereen.com is protected by the United Nation and United State of America. Sereen.com is not under Iranian or US jurisdiction. Prince Sereen, to this day, remains a proud citizen of Iran. Sereen.com will no longer support the Pahlavi Monarchy. It is with immense grief that I would like to inform my compatriots of the assassination of my dear Father on August 27, 1997 my father gave his life for Iran and the Pahlavi Monarchy. Reza Pahlavi is a disgrace to the Shah and to Imperial Air Force of Iran. They have allowed the Islamic Republic of Iran to get away with murder and publish lies. I have to deal with cowered crown prince. I am hurt. I declare defeat. Without the help of the Pahlavi Monarchy the Islamic Republic of Iran and all their lies "Click Here" has beaten me. As of June 26, 2014, Sereen.com will no longer publish anything with the Pahlavi Flag, and it will be replaced with a Persian flag, as the original Persians, of which I am one, are an endangered race. The Persian race is on the edge of extinction. Persians are born Zoroastrians. Iranians have committed genocide against the Persian race. Any Persian who walks away from me is committing treason against the Sasanian Persian Empire. Persians wake up! Seek justice for my father's murder. The Pahlavi Monarchy has betrayed my father and me. I am free, and I will never live my life to please the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Iranian people who look down on my life. What have the Iranian people who criticize me done for my father who was assassinated and died in Iran for the Persians? These critics did nothing. What makes you think I am going to live like her majesty Farah Diba or Prince Reza Pahlavi as if nothing is happening in Iran? Nor will I commit suicide like Princess Leila Pahalvi and Prince Ali Reza Pahalvi? No I am Immortal Prince Sereen of the Sasanian Persian Empire, and I am a warrior, and I do not care what the world thinks of me. I am pure blood of Persia. The crown prince will wrinkle and age but I will remain timeless, no filthy mortal can publish lies or hide my story anymore. I am for the world to see. |
Long live Persia. Be proud be Persian. |
The official instagram account of Immortal Zoroastrian prince Sereen of Iran has been removed by instagram. After receiving over 10,000 hate emails and death threats, Instagram has removed my official site while Muslim accounts slandering and threatening me have stayed active. I will not fight them alone. All Zoroastrians need to hashtag my name and spread my message. If you do not evil will win. Over five thousands Hashtag #Sereen images and messages have been removed by the Instagram. No media can hide me or my story anymore. I am now for the world to see. I will seek justice. #sereen #سرین Immortal Zoroastrian prince Sereen of Iran. Official xtube |
Sereen.com issues a world wide SOS as of June 26, 2014. Immortal Zoroastrian prince Sereen of Iran is leaving the United State of America. God bless America. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing, Sereen.com encourages American citizens to fight for freedom and equal womens' rights. Email your concerns to The White House. Deport Muslims in order to prevent America's destruction like Iran and Sweden. The Islamic Republic of Iran has confiscated everything including all my family's real estate and other valuable possessions. شهرک اکباتان. Reza Pahlavi is the last crown prince of the former Imperial State of Iran, and he is the current head of the House of Pahlavi. He has refused to cooperate with my lawyers to verify my fathers position in Iran. My father gave his life to Iran for freedom and the Pahlavi Monarchy, but I will not. At this time I am no longer seeking damages against the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is a victory for the Islamic Republic of Iran. All calls are blocked, and email and death threats will be forwarded to law enforcement agencies including the FBI and CIA.
Sereen.com does not promote unsafe sex. Prince Sereen have open medical records trace back to five years. Gay sex or bareback does not give you HIV or STD. HIV people do and they can be of any gender of hetrosexuals or homosexuals. Condoms are not safe sex blood test is. 08/16/2014 |
Instagram deleted the Official account of Immortal Zoroastiran prince Sereen of Iran.
Sereen.com is now protected by the United Nation and will soon move to EU Long live Persians.
Iran is the most zealously homophobic country over thousands lesbians and gay men have been executed. While world media has ignored this very important issue. Persianstud.com advocates equal rights for women, gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, and transsexuals in Iran. Your donation will help in production of high quality royalty free gay porns in Persian for Iran. |
Grand Opening in Iran. Support Persianstud.com The first Persian Porn Site in the world in Parsi.
Immortal Zoroastrian prince Sereen of Iran Royalty Free Persian porn
All your donation will go toward Gay rights in Iran.
Pure Blood of Persia is promoting Gay sex and Prostitution No nation have any right to kill homosexuals or jail Prostitutes
Royalty Free Video of Prince Sereen in Parsi the language of the Aryans that promote gay rights in Iran. Click here Not all human species are the same. Pure blood of Persia does not wrinkle and age like a Jew. Now the world can witness a boy who has remained timeless for the decades. I am pure blood of Persia. My DNA have been preserved for centuries in Iran and now I am for the world to see. My DNA report. All Persians must follow my orders, If you refuse you are no longer Zoroastrians. No filthy Jew can publish lies anymore. All Persians across the world must promote gay rights in Iran in a blood less war to end Islam. Complete Freedom is my message for Iran. |
حقوق کامل بشر Complete Freedom The king of Iran have granted his people Complete freedom which has been taken down in 1979 by the Muslims. I will enforce this law once again. No human can stand in my way Iranians or Americans have no power over Sereen.com. I am free. I will not respect any cults or will negotiate with the killer Jews, Christians and Muslims or Bahai's. I am going to charge them all for the murder once Iran is free. There is no statute of limitations for murder. Muslims will pay for all their human rights violations committed by the Islamic Republic of Iran. And Bahai's for their scams and frauds. شاهزاده جاودانه پارس سرین بدیعی ازدواج همجنسگرایان و فاحشگی با پورن را در ایران قانونی می کند. کسی که عاشق است از زندان نترسد |
Be proud Be Persian. Long live the King - Javid Shah
I did all I came to do in USA. The unpublished truth of 1979 is in here
Persia not Iran. Pure blood of Persia is here. The proud persian race is not dead. I am the end of Islam.
با هر قطره ی اشک یه فرشته میاد زمین به این نیروی آزادی ایمان بیار
Welcome to the Official Website of Prince Sereen Rated PG 13 Rated X Persian به پارسی Rated X English
به سایت رسمی شاهزاده ی جاودانه پارس سرین بدیعی خوش آمديد
A life without freedom is not a life worth living
Action speak louder than words الله صغیر زیر کیر شاهزاده جاودانه سرین کبیر Persians are not Iranians We are born Zoroastrian's, we do not comply with the Islamic laws. |
با هر قطره ی اشک یه فرشته میاد زمین به این نیروی آزادی ایمان بیار
Iranians, gays and females are essentially submissive people who are ready to serve. These people have no inclination to resist, and this has allowed the condemnation and discrimination by religions very powerful across the world. For the most part, in most places, and for most of history, these minorities have laid low instead of fighting prejudice and injustice perpetuated by religions on them. But no more. It is time to hold a gun and fight for your very own freedom. You are not equal becouse you allow yourself to be treated as one who is inferior. When you see abuse, it is up to you to stop it, or it will never stop no matter how much you sit and pray to the god to end injustice. The adage that God helps those who help themselves is never more true than it is now. It is time to fight like a warrior, or you will always be called a faggot and sinner and will be beaten up and abused. Ironically I see more gays getting beaten up in the United State than I saw hanged in Iran. True, in the US there are more outspoken gays now, and that accounts for a lot of the violence against them whereas in Iran keeping your sexuality a secret is practiced more. But still, in both countries abuses are rampant. I feel sad for both, but at same time I am disgusted wondering why cant you fight back like me? I wasn't hanged in Iran nor beaten up in USA. Anyone who calls me sinner deserves to be shoot, or at least answered with whatever it takes to stop their abuse. No human can direspect me nor touch me in wrong way, I have zero percent tolerance for injustice. I never hide my face, and I am proud of what I do. Learn to be honest and always fight for freedom. Do not accept abuse as a part of life, not your life, not anyone else's life. I get disgusted when I see gay Jews, gay Christians, gay Muslims and gay Bahai's because they are following a false religion that condemns them, and they even give these cults money. They abuse you and call you sinners, and yet you accept them and belong to their churches, temples and mosques, and when gays are hanged in Iran and beaten in Russia you wonder how did that happen? It is time to learn a valuable lesson from Russia with its Christians abusing gays and Iran with Muslims doing even worse. So why do you join their cults and donate money to their cause and allow them to spit in your eye and call you a faggot, a sinner. Such misguided behavior is beyond imagination. Today females demand to be equal, but many are religious and under every single religious teaching a man is superior to woman. As long as there are religions, females are and will never be equal. And as for gays and pornstars, they are always in danger. I have seen Muslims kill gays like turkeys on thanksgiving, When the Muslim population numbers grow large enough in the USA, every gay guy will be killed, and no media or Jew or Christian will help him either. Muslims love to kill gays. Watch Iran and you will see what Muslims are about. This is not from the government. It is from people, just normal people like you and me, who go to watch Muslims kill gays like going to movies. The only thing is missing is coke and popcorn. Gays are nothing but the scum of the society in Iran and now that is being copied in Russia. Almost no one there would feel remorse for homosexuals and pornstars. |
Kill Islam in a bloodless war enforce gay rights and nudity as divine world wide and Islam shall die.
شاهزاده جاودانه پارس سرین بدیعی ازدواج همجنسگرایان و فاحشگی با پورن را در ایران قانونی می کند. کسی که عاشق است از زندان نترسد
Deport Muslims in order to prevent America's destruction like Iran and Sweden.
America WAKE UP Muslims have taken my home, don't let them savages to take yours.
باورت می شه ننه سکینه ؟ سرین شاهزاده پارس کیر شونمی تونه تو شلوارش نگه داره. می گه جنده گی حلاله ؟ خدا مرگم بده گلناز نگو پاشو برو مسجد نماز بخون |
متن دینی تو زیر پای مقدس شاهزاده سرین بدیعی
One Gender law is in order world wide.
I left Iran not by choice but force. I would like to take this time to thank all American law enforcement agencies who have supported me. Without it Sereen.com's messages would have not come to American soils. U.S. and EU foreign policies will help achieve and preserve this race Mazdayasna faith Vegans of Zoroastrian's in Iran. Sereen.com is protected by the United Nation. Vegans in Iran are endangered species. They are of the Aryan bloodline, the light of Aryamehr.
Vegan nutritional practice desigend to prevent disease and promote health, Creating public awareness against cruelty to animals and abuse which clearly illustrates a lack of education and respect for life and some deep rooted psychological and religious damage of violence in our society and conflict of cultures. 2014 -- Sereen.com is under attack by the Mujahideen and Hezbollah forces. As of today the Persian race is on the edge of extinction. We are an endangered race who have 100% Jew free blood. The history of Iran is being changed before our eyes and my people are led to believe lies published by the Jews in the world media. Jews and Muslims have committed genocide against the Persian race. Persians tends to age different, have fewer risk factors for disease and tend to be more physically fit and mentally balanced than any other people. It is time for the world to respect my people and preserve my race and culture as Persians and not Iranians. Be Proud be Persian. Persians are born Zoroastrians. Iranians are not they all wrinkle and age like a filthy Jews and Muslims. Pure blood of Persia is Immortal. # Sereen Seeing is believing Instagram deleted the official account of Immortal Zoroastrian prince Sereen of Iran #sereen |
Join the Vip for the royalty free images and XXX movies of Immortal Zoroastrian prince Sereen of Iran. Rated X Persian به فارسی Rated X English